An Interview with Elaine Chew

Interview by Jyoti Narang Apr 5, 2017 Photo (above): From right to left, Elaine Chew and Jyoti Narang. Photo by Anna Xambó at Georgia Tech. A few words about Elaine: Elaine Chew is Professor of Digital Media in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, where she is […]
Girls, Guitars and Sexism in the Music Industry – sky NEWS
This article discusses how the world of the electric guitar is also changing toward having more gender balance and less gender stereotypes. Examples include the music brand Fender who realized that 50% sales from last year were to women, Chantel McGregor who is one of top-guitar players in Britain, and the specialist music fanzine Ladyfuzz […]
Female Electronica//Indie Rock//Hip Hop #10 Playlist –
A playlist of female musicians and composers of mixed styles ranging from electronica, to indie and psychedelic, to hip hop. More info here
Birmingham filmmakers make SXSW debut with Suzanne Ciani documentary –
The new documentary “A Life in Waves” will be presented at the Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas in March. This film focuses on the life of Suzanne Ciani, an Italian American panist and composer of electronic music. Read more here
An Interview with Grace Leslie

Interview by Amruta Vidwans and Anna Xambó October 4, 2016 A few words about Grace Leslie: Grace Leslie is an electronic musician and music cognition researcher. She is currently a postdoc at the MIT Media Lab where she develops music neurofeedback systems for creative and therapeutic applications. She received a PhD in Music & Cognitive […]