An Interview with Stefania Serafin

Interview by Anna Xambó, Anna Weisling, and Takumi Ogata May 15, 2017 Photo (above): Stefania in her home town Venice. A few words about Stefania: Stefania Serafin is Professor in sound for multimodal environments at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, where she pioneered the media technology program Medialogy. Her research areas include sound modeling, multimodal interfaces, and […]
Pamela Z Suspends Crowd with Cross-Platform Performance – The Brown Daily Herald
Pamela Z is an innovative artist using a series of motion sensors, microphones, speakers, and visuals to perform compositions. She records her own vocals in real time in front of the audience as she builds a multi-layered composition that she also alters using a series of techniques. Occasionally she uses motion sensors attached to her […]
An Interview with Elaine Chew

Interview by Jyoti Narang Apr 5, 2017 Photo (above): From right to left, Elaine Chew and Jyoti Narang. Photo by Anna Xambó at Georgia Tech. A few words about Elaine: Elaine Chew is Professor of Digital Media in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, where she is […]
Women Film Composers Organize, Advocate for Change in an Unequal Industry –
Women film composers have teamed up to address the gap between women and men composers. Organizations such as the Alliance for Women Film Composers, female:pressure and the UK-based Women in Music are involved. Who will be the next female composer nominated for an original-score Oscar? Read more here
How the University of Connecticut Doubled the Number of Women Majoring in Engineering – IEEE
This article explains the example of the University of Connecticut on how to succeed in increasing the number of women in engineering undergraduate programs. It is basically about offering programs that connect female K-12 students with female engineering undergraduates. Read more here
Georgia Tech Students Develop Stempower to Mentor Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Girls in STEM – Georgia Tech News Center
The Center for the Study of Women, Science, and Technology at Georgia Tech has launched Stempower, a new outreach initiative. Stempower is a mentoring program that connects Georgia Tech women students to forth and fifth-grade girls by meeting and encouraging them to explore STEM. You can get in touch if interested in becoming a mentor. […]
Requiem for Pauline Oliveros –
A tribute to Pauline Oliveros, who passed away on November 25, 2016. Pauline Oliveros was a pioneer figure in the Post-War American avant-garde in the field of experimental sound, both as a practitioner and academic. Oliveros has inspired and influenced next generations of women in the field of music and technology equalizing the terms of […]
17 for ’17: Microsoft researchers on what to expect in 2017 and 2027 –
This article asks 17 women from Microsoft research their thoughts on how they envision their fields both in 2017 and in 10 years time. The fields discussed include natural language processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, biological computation, virtual reality, social sciences, economics, software engineering, human-centered computing, mathematics, cryptography, ecology, computer vision, mobile computing, […]
Women In Music 2016: The 100 Most Powerful Executives –
A review of the most powerful women in the music business. This year’s edition of Billboard’s 2016 Women in Music list included the categories of labels, publishing, live music, agencies, digital, media, branding, management and performance rights organizations, and added group music attorneys and public relations executives. Read more here
How Ableton pushes women forward in music tech –
The Berlin-based music technology company Ableton is putting an effort in promoting diversity in music. This year’s edition of Ableton’s annual Loop event showed a commitment to gender diversity. This article presents some of these women, from organizers to oral presenters. Read more here